Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reasonably certain today is Tuesday....

I hate losing track of my days. It doesn’t help that I have a pretty homogenous routine, and that all my days are sort of blended into one great big ball of timey-wimey stuff. 

Of course, I also don’t have children, so I never have to go “Is today Cricket practice or ballet?” Kids play cricket right? Does anyone even know the rules of cricket? Or croquet for that matter? 

Well, today is, I think, Tuesday. That is exciting. I like Tuesdays. No particular big reason. Just always had a strange fondness for the day. For some reason, I thought I was born on a Tuesday, but it turns out it was a Thursday. 

There’s nothing wrong with Thursday, except that it’s basically Wednesday 2.0, and we all know how boring Wednesdays can be. 

I mean, isn’t that why everyone gets so amped about Hump Day? All sorts of wacky (fake) excitement over the fact that we are now in the middle of the week? 

But yes, Gentle Reader, today is Tuesday. Enjoy the day. Hug the ones you love. And remember tomorrow is Wednesday. 

Also, as I posted on my FB, Amazon apparently thinks that I’m secretly a huge George Michael fan. I mean, I AM A HUGE GEORGE MICHAEL NERD, but nothing that I ordered in the past 5 years could possibly reveal that information. Which just makes it scary. But I have to share post, simply because of the awesome response I got. Names are shortened to protect the innocent.
Me: Just got an email from Amazon telling me "The Lowdown" by George Michael was now available. To which I say, "What the crap did I order that makes you think I'm a George Michael fan?"
Elizabeth: did you buy the alarm clock~ the wake me up b4 you go-go?
Hilarity ensued. 

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