Hello Gentle Readers,
Do you mind if I put on my writer cap for a moment? Do you
ever have a moment when you write something really fun, but then worry it’s not
going to work? I’m working on THE GRAY GHOST INN, the third book in the Dan
Landis mystery series. On the one hand, I’ve finished the first five chapters,
and they are really enjoyable. On the other hand, they have nothing to do with
the plot. They are just window dressing. Decent dressing, I’ll give you that,
but still dressing. So, now I wonder what to do. Do I excise the chapters?
Leave them in?
See that’s always the problem with writing. It’s all about
telling the story as best you can. And as a writer, you have a certain
responsibility to get to the point as quickly as possible. Earn your
exposition, is something no one says. I think I’ll TM that. “Earn your
exposition!” – Jay Mims ™ and ®.
But at the same time, I feel like going into
a Dan Landis story, you’re not there for plot. Well, maybe YOU might be there
for plot, but I’m there to spend time with the characters and crazies of the
Landisverse. So, will I leave it in? Only time and my editor will be able to
tell. Who knows, in six months the book may just begin with “They pulled up to
the bed and breakfast. It was exactly as cheerful as a place you’d expect The
Gray Ghost Inn to be.”
Oooh, that might work!
In other news, book 2 CULT OF KOO-KWAY is
coming out in September. I’m super-excited, and to be honest this book is far
more personal than THE FIVE SANTAS. Which given how much I love Christmas,
would probably be surprising.
But that’s a story for another time. In the
meantime, you can pick up a copy of THE FIVE SANTAS pretty much everywhere
books are sold, and trust me, everyone and everything is important!
Yes, that is trade-remarkable. LOL. That pun would be respected in Landisville!