It's always fun talking with someone you love. It was while brainstorming material for posting every single day in March, I asked The Mimsus if she wanted to do an interview.
ME: Hey honey, remember how I'm posting every single day in March?
The Mimsus: Is that what you've been doing? I just thought you were hiding in your office watching Muppets.
ME: Uh...
We watched this together.
It was wonderful.
So, it's with great joy that I present a VERY SPECIAL interview with The Mimsus.
Tell the folks at home a little about yourself?
Should I just copy what I wrote in my blurb for :)
Farm girl turned city girl turned The Mimsus. Bookkeeper by day, aspiring chef by night. Avid reader of all things Mimsey.
So, how tall are you? How tall is the rest of your family?
I’m 5’13” The fam ranges from 5’9”-6’8” :)
I go to visit her family and all I hear is THIS!
What’s the weirdest compliment/remark/snide comment you’ve been told?
I have these boots, nice boots, the kind with a clunky heel. I was rockin’ my boots with a cute skirt and struttin’ my 6’4”(with the boots) stuff into a building. A man, probably on the tall side of 5’6”, walks up to me with his finger stretched toward my face and said “Why do you do this to us men? (referring to my heels) You are already TALL!”
Sad bunny is sad at this story.
What are some
positives of being the tall girl? What are some challenges?
Julia Child once said
tall is an advantage, especially in business. People will always remember you.
And if you're in a crowd, you'll always have some clean air to breathe.”
advantage is that taller people earn more: “Women who are five feet eight inches or more
are twice as likely to earn $46,000 and above annually, which comes out to
$8,000 more than their shorter colleagues.”
challenges are numerous. People refer to you as “big.” I don’t fit in compact
cars, regular bathtubs are a joke, no leg room between rows of plane seats.
[Shout out to my favorite airline JETBLUE for recognizing the problem] Trendy
clothing is always a season behind everyone else. Height is intimidating to
potential dates, BUT that’s not always a disadvantage. The gym equipment has to
be modified before you can use it. Yoga mats are too short. Kitchen counters
are too short for proper posture while working. I can never sneak in or out of
a room. I’m in the back row of ALL group photos. Short people take terrible
photos of tall people, the angles are all wrong.
I was going to choose a photo of The Mimsus
towering over her friends.
But honestly, this was funnier.
What advice can you give taller women who might be reading?
Buy clothing that fits. Don’t try to conform your body to the clothing industry standards. It doesn’t work, and you look ridiculous in your floods and crop tops. People will remember you. Make it a favorable impression.
I asked The Mimsus what Floods were.
She said "Think Urkel".
So pictured: Floods
What’s the best thing to say to a tall woman?
You can say anything you want, but if you’re face isn’t tilted up towards her, she can’t hear you.
How would you like to be treated, if one of our readers were to meet you in public?
Kindness is a good start. The Mimsey got that right and won my heart.
It's not evident from this photo
but I'm actually sitting on sixteen phone books.
What’s the best thing to have come from being tall?
Respect, I think. People have a default setting that makes them respect someone taller than themselves. I mostly use this for good, not evil.
However, if I make her mad,
I will never find the remote.
Without a ladder.
How did you and The Mimsey meet?
The Mimsey and I met in a college class. We were staging a coup to get the professor fired and it worked. We spent the whole semester walking and talking and laughing maniacally.
Picture this, but with more maniacal laughter.
What would you say to someone who might be struggling with body image issues?
Your body is not your soul, nor is it your heart. You have an intrinsic value because you were made by a Creator. Do the best you can to keep your body healthy so you can live well. A good photographer can change how you think about your image as well. Find a good one.
For instance, before this photo, I didn't realize:
I make this look good!
What do you do for fun?
Besides reading everything the Mimsey writes? :)
What can readers expect from The Mimsus in the future?
Random quotes… and waffles.
What are some shopping tips you might have for differently sized women?
- The internet is your friend. The perfect jeans are out there.Sometimes, they are in Europe.
- Know all your measurements.
- Set a clothing budget and build a wardrobe with basic items, then add trendy things.
- Find the best seamstress you can afford.
- Don’t waste your time at the mall.
Coffee or Tea: Starbucks when I’m out, Tea when I’m at home.
Cat or Dog: Dog, specifically a Lakeland Terrier and therefore, no cats.
Lake or Ocean: the one where I’m at the top of the food chain, Lake
Football or Basketball: do you even KNOW me?
Fish or Chicken: Fried chicken when I’m cooking for The Mimsey
Superman or Batman: Neither… Mr Miracle, he likes the tall girls
Tim Horton’s or Dunkin Doughnuts: D.D. or my brother in law will never speak to me again
Bubble Bath or Chocolate: Chocolate, tall girls don’t fit in a bathtub
The Mindy Project or New Girl: The Mindy Project, Mindy Kaling is my hero
And finally, what is The Mimsey like in real life?
Love you too.
Jay Mims writes books, blogs, and actually blogged about getting married. Jay lives with The Mimsus, a passive aggressive Dalek named Steve, and a cat named Eartha Kitty. Jay
is far funnier on Facebook then in real life. He is terrible at Twitter.

Nice to meet you, Mimses! Great interview. I didn't know you were tall. I had a friend who is 5"11 1/2 and an ex-boyfriend who was 6'8. Their most hated joke? "How's the weather up there?" Do you get a lot of that kind of thing?
ReplyDeleteYes... the weather is clearer up here. I'm not breathing the same smoke as the folks asking the silly questions. :)
for the record you were not sitting on 16 phone books when that photo was taken...i was there :)